Friday, June 18, 2010

Toad in the Tuin

Hello everyone!! It is so nice to see you! Guess what? I had an adventure last night in the garden.

The word for 'garden' in Dutch is 'tuin'. You say it like the English word 'town.' When I was in the 'tuin' last night, I saw a TOAD! Do you know what a toad is? Here is a picture of a toad. They aren't very pretty, are they? Have you ever seen one in your garden?

Did you know that toads don't walk, they hop! Can you think of other animals that hop? Here are some pictures of animals that hop. Do you know what kind of animals they are?

I was very surprised when that toad hopped up to me. Would you be surprised if a toad hopped up to you?

What do you think I did when the toad hopped up to me?

With love from Biggie G!


  1. It's the Easter Bunny!!!

  2. Hello Biggie G,

    Good to see you enjoying life just a cats seem to do best. I'd like to share a cool song about cats titled "Love My Cat". The MP3 can be downloaded for free at

    Tell all your cat, toad, wallaby and hopping buddies I said "Hallo Hallo!!"

  3. Hi Will,

    I love your song! I danced a little bit. Did you know you forgot about orange cats? Maybe I will sing a song about orange cats for you!

    With love from Biggie G!
